Service Details
A Memorial Service for Bob will be held in Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 3350 Lathrop Avenue, Racine on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 4:00PM. Visitation will be in church on Monday from 2:00PM until the time of service.
Memorial Suggestions
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Holy Cross Lutheran Church or Racine Lutheran High School in Robert’s memory.

Robert John Tertel, a devoted husband, father and friend, passed away peacefully on June 11, 2024 at the age of 85.
Born on March 10,1939 in Decatur, IL to Otto and Louise (Kovalik) Tertel. Robert is survived by three siblings; Helen Busarow, Lilian Marzinzik and Bernice Mihelsic. He was preceded in death by two siblings; Esther Holtzen and Donald Tertel.
He graduated from Lamphier High School in Springfield, IL followed by earning his BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of IL-Champaign, and his MS from Marquette University.
Robert worked first on the rocket guidance system at A.C. Delco division of GM for three years, followed by 36 years teaching math and science at Racine Lutheran High School. He was inducted into the RLHS Hall of Fame in 2019.
Bob married Barbara Jean Hooper on June 26,1965 in the Lake Mills Moravian Church. They have been blessed with 3 children, Jeffrey Lee (Lisa), Jonathan Andrew (Joanne) and Kathryn Anne (Dave) Wagner. They also have 6 grandchildren; Cassie Tertel, Cameron Wagner, Mason Wagner, Andrew Tertel, Riley Tertel and Jeffrey Tertel.
Outside of work, Robert enjoyed woodworking, solving jigsaw puzzles, traveling by car to many U.S. sites, spending time with children and grandchildren, visiting with former students and leading bible studies at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. He led devotions on numerous St. John’s Half Century bus trips, affectionately known as “Father Bob.”
Robert’s legacy lives on through the countless lives he touched at church, school and home.
Nate and Julie Bickel says
Working with Bob for many years at Lutheran High was a special privilege. He was a spiritual mentor who would always remind his colleagues that “God is in control”. I enjoyed many times when Bob would stop by and we shared our love for Woodworking. Those will always be special memories. Although we are saddened by Bob’s passing we rejoice in his heavenly victory. Our prayers are with all the Tertel family. May God grant you strength and peace.
Kathleen and Jerry Schultz says
I was blessed to know Bob in many ways. First as the most patient and understanding teacher ever. He must have felt I was his shadow my senior year. I was privileged to work side by side at Racine Lutheran as a colleague. A better Christian example I have never met. I also was a parent of one of his students. Marty also credited Mr. Terrell with teaching him problem solving skills along with subject areas. Our sympathy to his family, be comforted to know he is age in the arms of his Savior. Well done thou good and faithful servant. With love. The Schultz family
Terri (Brown) Maynard says
I had Mr. Tertel as a teacher at Racine Lutheran High School. I was always amazed at his intelligence and kindness when teaching. He was one of my favorite teachers. Prayers and thoughts to his family for peace and healing…
Jayne Busarow says
My sympathy and prayers to the family. Wonderful teacher – such dedication – what he gave up to teach at Racine Lutheran High all those years. Also remember his summer job – painting with Mr. Bartz. Did a lot of different jobs for my family. Maybe God has some things that need a touch up in heaven – he has two of the best up there.
Walter Winterle says
I did not have Bob as a teacher, but I always remember him for taking over the science and math classes from Herbert Schmidt. I always read about him improving on his predecessors
programs. After he retired, he cut the grass at the church grounds. It was teachers like him, that made the difference at Lutheran High/
Marlene (Zimmerman) Lamberton says
I know Bob and Barb from the Thrift Shop. I graduated LHS the year before he arrived. To leave a career as he did so that he could make a difference in so many students’ lives, speaks of his calling as a Christian. He truly lived, not for himself, but as God’s faithful servant. A life well lived.
Julie Burton Sawhill says
Mr. Tertel was one of my favorite teachers. I had him for physics, and he made it so interesting. He was also very involved with those of us who went to the Lutheran Youth Gatherings. He sponsored our Bible studies at school and in students’ homes. He was a Christian influence to many of us and I’m certain he will be greatly missed. My deepest condolences to his family.
Anonymous says
My deepest condolences to Mr. Tertel’s ohana pn his passing. He was ny Physicsl Science snd Math IV
Linda Gr says
My deepest condolences to Mr. Tertel’s ohana on his passing. He was my Physical Science and Math IV teacher at RLHS i968-69 and 1971-72. After graduation I saw Mr. And Mrs. Tertel at various events. He was a kind, wise man who shared his faith. He will be greatly missed. I wish I could have been at his service. But prayers are with y’all. God’s peace and comfort.
Aaron Miner - LHS Class of 1996 says
Mr. Tertel was my most influential high school teacher. Through his guidance, he was a big contributor to me pursuing my chemical engineering degree which I have been using in practice for the last 23 years! Couple of things come to mind when thinking about Mr. Tertel.
One day he made a comment to me which basically amounted to how I was putting in the minimal amount of effort to get an A and not fully applying my potential. This really stuck with me from that time going forward not just academically but also in many other facets of my life.
I was on the team with 4 others who won the Racine County Academic Bowl in 1996. This was LHS’s first time competing which include all the large public schools in Racine County. Mr. Tertel was always passionate about facilitating quiz bowl during study halls. He then scheduled and led all of our pre-competition prep. I just remember how proud Mr. Tertel was throughout the competition and after we won.
Great man that impacted countless lives!
Astrid Jastremski says
I remember my cousin Bob from 1954 when his parents, Otto and Louise helped our family come to America. In those days you needed a sponsor and they were incredibly helpful and supportive.